
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Kitchen Window

Saturday. It's rainy and I have no where I have to be. That is a treat and I've taken the down time to finish up scanning and working on a friend's photos. She wants to make copies of them for her grown children. Very recently the family home burned down - happened suddenly and was a total loss. I'm sure this sad event caused her to start thinking about getting this done with these photos that survived.

Earlier today I was just kind of goofing off taking photos of the fish and turtle in my aquarium - and a reflection of my kitchen window showed up in the glass. I took a shot of it and fooled around with it as I was on computer working photos anyway. After it was done and I looked at it, it made me think about what you might know about an individual from what is on their kitchen window. And then I thought about all the time I have spent at this sink, thinking. I can't seem to stop this brain of mine from being in gear  - I've just accepted that. There have been A LOT of thoughts at this window.

And that's all I have to say on this.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Walking Photos

Another Saturday night and I'm interested in NOT watching TV so I have been going through my photos taken over the past few years on some of my walks. I added a bit with Photoshop here and there but not too much. The photos remind me that if you just look straight ahead going through life (or walking) and not all around, you sure can miss a lot!

Sea Foam
Setting Sun Flower
Tiny Footprints

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Almost Tupelo Honey

Tupelo Honey oozing over me.
Wishing to dance
with the melody.
Yet, not yet.
Not quite yet.

The sound of waves crashing
on distant shores;
I can almost smell the sea.
But not yet,
not quite -
just almost of me.

The sound of
your thinking
mixes with the noise
of mine -
together going
clickety clack clack;
almost a song
not a finished one -
not ready, not yet.

I have a pen but no shoes.
You have a blank piece of paper.
I wait and tell you,
not quite, not yet but
almost free.

Van Morrison - TUPELO HONEY:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Views of Choice

My first entry of new blog since old blog has me locked out. Oh well, it must have been time for a change but at least I can still access the old one - link to the right at top of Home Page. Tonight I thought I'd just look through my photos and post some here as a way to get started on this new one. Site still under construction but I hope you enjoy them!