
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's 2014, just barely. 2013... was...quite...a...year. With all the challenges that I was faced with in 2013, I find myself looking forward to the future, and grateful for the ever present grace and love of God. What a different journey life has been than what I may have thought it would be, or even tried to create. Perhaps that is a very common experience with people around my age which at this writing is 56. You face changes physically that can be quite trying - (I'm still trying to figure out who switched necks with me!) - and you come to grips with (or need to) an understanding of life being not as easily controlled as you might have thought at a younger year. But having said that, I find myself more at peace than ever and I think it comes to this - experiencing the sustaining hand of God. What a privilege!

I want to take this time to thank my family for their love this past year, and always. I thank my good friends who I appreciate more and more each passing year. And most of all, thank you God for Your great and abiding love.

Below are some photos I worked on this past evening as I waited for the clock to tick pass 2013. I really enjoy taking photographs and working on them. I hope that they in some small way express my appreciation for the wonderful treat that this world can be! Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos! Nature is one of God's blessings to us. Wishing you a blessed 2014!
